Explanation of 'icons'! YEP there are different types!

The next few lessons will try to break down the 'computer desktop' into sections. We will show you the different parts of the computer desktop, so you will know what they are and how you can use them!

I think the most obvious portion of the desktop is your icons! Those little pictures that are spread all over your desktop with names under them! The basics for this lesson are pretty much the same for all operating systems. You may have less colorful icons in the older ones.

There two different basic types of icons that I can think of!

ONE is the file exel fileor folder iconiconplain foldericon folder

TWO is the program or application icon exel 14Word Icon

I guess your next question would be what is the difference between a file or folder icon and a program or application icon is that correct?

Application icons are the easiest to remember! It’s the icon you click on to make a program start! It’s like your 'remote' to the Television to turn it on!


IE icon for blog
The Recycle Bin

These are examples of application or program icons. The composition of the icon makes use of perspective, color, and shading to provide photo-realistic representation of the programs. Applications are tools for the user, so application icons should always show a picture of a tool that indicates the nature of the task the application is designed to accomplish or complete.

The 'W' is for a word processor program you may use now to write letters on! The Mozilla or the IE would be how you get on the Internet! The recycle bin is where you store your garbage before you decided to TAKE OUT THE TRASH! It’s basically where your files go when you delete them.

If your application (ie: word, excel, etc.) creates a file (like a letter or spreadsheet that you save) those files would be called file icons. This helps you avoid the frustration of looking into a folder full of document files with generic icons and being unable to identify which applications created the files.

Most of the time these are NOT placed on the desktop, but there are times in which people may use a file constantly and want it there for easier use!

The above are files created in Power Point, Word, Corel Draw, Adobe, Excel. The programs themselves are application icons. The documents we created with those programs are called File Icons! For Example, the phone list was made in Word (See the Word Icon) but the name next to it was phone list. It’s a phone list MADE in Word!

The older computer may not use visual icons like this, but your file extensions should clue you in as well! For Example: Lampchop.tif could be a picture of your lovely lambchop dinner you sent to your brother to make him drool! phonelist.doc could be your list of current phone numbers you keep on the Freezer!

Folder icons are literally FOLDERS (pictures of them). You can use those much like you use folders at home. For example, you have a folder you place all your different statements for bills like: Gas, Electric, Credit Card, Bank Statements, etc.

For our computer at home we have 3 main folders: MOM folder, DAD folder, and KID folder.

For this example I’m going to use ‘stereotypical’ examples so you can get the picture of what I’m trying to get across!

In my MOM Folder she may have some ‘file’ documents that she typed up with her favorite recipes to keep handy with a touch of her mouse! She may also have her Photoshop program icon there also that she uses all the time for her scrap booking projects!

Photoshop program - program Icon (application icon)
Scrapbook programs - file Icon

The document that contains her recipes are file icons
The program she used to created it in is a program or application icon

In my DAD Folder he may have spreadsheet documents for work that need to be updated on a regular basis, and for his ‘application’ maybe quicken for the families finances.

The spreadsheet he created is a file icon, but the program he used to create it is a program or application icon! Quicken would be an application Icon as well!

In the KID folder it could be copies of their recent book report, science project they are working on! It will also have their latest game they love to play in their free time!

Application Icon - SpongeBob Square Pants Computer Game
File Icon - Science program and Book Report they are currently working on.

Other examples may be:

Website shortcuts to websites you visit on a regular basis (like this one? LOL!)

At times you are going to download a program, and you want to know WHERE you put the file and the desktop is a great place to do just that!

You can place all of these things in your folders on your desktop. Its called CLICK ON IT, and keep it held down and DRAG to where your folder is. Once on top of that folder - RELEASE and it will be in there for the next time you go looking!

It nice for families to have their own, or maybe you have a collection of things you wish to keep on your computer for church and ONE for your hobby! Make TWO folder Icons! One for EACH!

Remember FILE is something you create, and FOLDER is what you store it in! Program or Application Icon is the item you use to create your file icon!

I found a video program I attempted to explain some of this in. I have a cold so excuse my voice! I will try to do better in the future!

Remember if something isn’t clear – go to the top of this lesson and hit the word ‘comment’ and write me a note! Chances are you aren’t the only one!

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