( If you have not install and configure OpenCV yet, please refer to Installing & Configuring with Visual Studio. )
Simple Use of Trackbars
Whenever you change the position of a trackbar, the value of an integer variable is changed. Using that value, we can change a property of an image or a video. The following example will show you how to do it with OpenCV.OpenCV Example of How to Change Brightness and Contrast of an Image with Trackbars
In the following example, I have added two trackbars to change the brightness and contrast of an image. It is iterating in a infinite while loop and applying the brightness and contrast to the image periodically because I want to apply the changes to the image whenever the user changes the position of the trackbar.
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
// Read original image
Mat src = imread("MyPic.JPG");
//if fail to read the image
if (!src.data)
cout << "Error loading the image" << endl;
return -1;
// Create a window
namedWindow("My Window", 1);
//Create trackbar to change brightness
int iSliderValue1 = 50;
createTrackbar("Brightness", "My Window", &iSliderValue1, 100);
//Create trackbar to change contrast
int iSliderValue2 = 50;
createTrackbar("Contrast", "My Window", &iSliderValue2, 100);
while (true)
//Change the brightness and contrast of the image (For more infomation http://opencv-srf.blogspot.com/2013/07/change-contrast-of-image-or-video.html)
Mat dst;
int iBrightness = iSliderValue1 - 50;
double dContrast = iSliderValue2 / 50.0;
src.convertTo(dst, -1, dContrast, iBrightness);
//show the brightness and contrast adjusted image
imshow("My Window", dst);
// Wait until user press some key for 50ms
int iKey = waitKey(50);
//if user press 'ESC' key
if (iKey == 27)
return 0;
Explanation of New OpenCV Functions
- int createTrackbar(const string& trackbarname, const string& winname, int* value, int count, TrackbarCallback onChange = 0, void* userdata = 0)
This OpenCV function creates a trackbar and attached that trackbar to a specified window
- trackbarname - The name of the trackbar
- winname - The name of the window to which the trackbar is attached
- value - This integer, pointed by this pointer, holds the value associated with the position of the trackbar
- count - The maximum value of the trackbar. The minimum value is always zero.
- onChange - This function will be called everytime the position of the trackbar is changed. The prototype of this function should be "FunctionName(int, void*)". The "int" value is the value associate with the position of the trackbar. And "void*" is any pointer value which you pass as the "userdata" (See the next parameter).
- userdata - This pointer variable will be passed as the second parameter of the above function
All other functions have been discussed in the previous lessons. If you have not followed them yet, please visit
which have the all the other OpenCV functions in the above example code.
Trackbar with Callback Function
In the above example, I have used only 4 parameters for the "createTrackbar" function. But there are 2 more parameters. Here I am going to explain, how to use a callback function using the 5th and 6th parameters of "createTrackbar". The advantage of using the callback function is that it is not required to iterate in a while loop periodically as in the above example.
In the following OpenCV example, I have added two trackbars to change the brightness and contrast of an image. And a callback function is implemented for each trackbar.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
Mat src;
void MyCallbackForBrightness(int iValueForBrightness, void *userData)
Mat dst;
int iValueForContrast = *( static_cast<int*>(userData) );
//Calculating brightness and contrast value
int iBrightness = iValueForBrightness - 50;
double dContrast = iValueForContrast / 50.0;
//Calculated contrast and brightness value
cout << "MyCallbackForBrightness : Contrast=" << dContrast << ", Brightness=" << iBrightness << endl;
//adjust the brightness and contrast
src.convertTo(dst, -1, dContrast, iBrightness);
//show the brightness and contrast adjusted image
imshow("My Window", dst);
void MyCallbackForContrast(int iValueForContrast, void *userData)
Mat dst;
int iValueForBrightness = *( static_cast<int*>(userData) );
//Calculating brightness and contrast value
int iBrightness = iValueForBrightness - 50;
double dContrast = iValueForContrast / 50.0;
//Calculated contrast and brightness value
cout << "MyCallbackForContrast : Contrast=" << dContrast << ", Brightness=" << iBrightness << endl;
//adjust the brightness and contrast
src.convertTo(dst, -1, dContrast, iBrightness);
//show the brightness and contrast adjusted image
imshow("My Window", dst);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Read original image
src = imread("MyPic.JPG");
//if fail to read the image
if (src.data == false)
cout << "Error loading the image" << endl;
return -1;
// Create a window
namedWindow("My Window", 1);
int iValueForBrightness = 50;
int iValueForContrast = 50;
//Create track bar to change brightness
createTrackbar("Brightness", "My Window", &iValueForBrightness, 100, MyCallbackForBrightness, &iValueForContrast);
//Create track bar to change contrast
createTrackbar("Contrast", "My Window", &iValueForContrast, 100, MyCallbackForContrast, &iValueForBrightness);
imshow("My Window", src);
// Wait until user press some key
return 0;
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
Mat src;
void MyCallbackForBrightness(int iValueForBrightness, void *userData)
Mat dst;
int iValueForContrast = *( static_cast<int*>(userData) );
//Calculating brightness and contrast value
int iBrightness = iValueForBrightness - 50;
double dContrast = iValueForContrast / 50.0;
//Calculated contrast and brightness value
cout << "MyCallbackForBrightness : Contrast=" << dContrast << ", Brightness=" << iBrightness << endl;
//adjust the brightness and contrast
src.convertTo(dst, -1, dContrast, iBrightness);
//show the brightness and contrast adjusted image
imshow("My Window", dst);
void MyCallbackForContrast(int iValueForContrast, void *userData)
Mat dst;
int iValueForBrightness = *( static_cast<int*>(userData) );
//Calculating brightness and contrast value
int iBrightness = iValueForBrightness - 50;
double dContrast = iValueForContrast / 50.0;
//Calculated contrast and brightness value
cout << "MyCallbackForContrast : Contrast=" << dContrast << ", Brightness=" << iBrightness << endl;
//adjust the brightness and contrast
src.convertTo(dst, -1, dContrast, iBrightness);
//show the brightness and contrast adjusted image
imshow("My Window", dst);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Read original image
src = imread("MyPic.JPG");
//if fail to read the image
if (src.data == false)
cout << "Error loading the image" << endl;
return -1;
// Create a window
namedWindow("My Window", 1);
int iValueForBrightness = 50;
int iValueForContrast = 50;
//Create track bar to change brightness
createTrackbar("Brightness", "My Window", &iValueForBrightness, 100, MyCallbackForBrightness, &iValueForContrast);
//Create track bar to change contrast
createTrackbar("Contrast", "My Window", &iValueForContrast, 100, MyCallbackForContrast, &iValueForBrightness);
imshow("My Window", src);
// Wait until user press some key
return 0;
You can download this OpenCV visual c++ project from here.
![]() |
Trackbar with Callback Function |
I have used 2 callback functions; "MyCallbackForBrightness(int, void*)" for the "Brightness" trackbar and "MyCallbackForContrast(int, void*)"for the "Contrast" trackbar.
I have used a global variables, src because it should be accessed from all the 3 methods.
Examine closely the 5th and 6th parameters of "createTrackbar" method in the "main" method.
Whenever the position of the "Brightness" trackbar is changed, "MyCallbackForBrightness(int, void*)" will be called. The 1st integer argument holds the value of the position of the "Brightness" trackbar. The position of the "Contrast" trackbar is passed as the 2nd argument. (Observe the 5th and 6th parameter; createTrackbar("Brightness", "My Window", &iValueForBrightness, 100, MyCallbackForBrightness, &iValueForContrast);)
Whenever the position of the "Contrast" trackbar is changed, "MyCallbackForContrast(int, void*)" will be called. The 1st integer argument holds the value of the position of the "Contrast" trackbar. The position of the "Brightness" trackbar is passed as the 2nd argument. (Observe the 5th and 6th parameter; createTrackbar("Contrast", "My Window", &iValueForContrast, 100, MyCallbackForContrast, &iValueForBrightness))
Next Tutorial : How to Detect Mouse Clicks and Moves
Previous Tutorial : Filtering Images
Whenever the position of the "Brightness" trackbar is changed, "MyCallbackForBrightness(int, void*)" will be called. The 1st integer argument holds the value of the position of the "Brightness" trackbar. The position of the "Contrast" trackbar is passed as the 2nd argument. (Observe the 5th and 6th parameter; createTrackbar("Brightness", "My Window", &iValueForBrightness, 100, MyCallbackForBrightness, &iValueForContrast);)
Whenever the position of the "Contrast" trackbar is changed, "MyCallbackForContrast(int, void*)" will be called. The 1st integer argument holds the value of the position of the "Contrast" trackbar. The position of the "Brightness" trackbar is passed as the 2nd argument. (Observe the 5th and 6th parameter; createTrackbar("Contrast", "My Window", &iValueForContrast, 100, MyCallbackForContrast, &iValueForBrightness))
Next Tutorial : How to Detect Mouse Clicks and Moves
Previous Tutorial : Filtering Images
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