Lets move to the next step of setting up our new computer. Unpacking our new computer!
One thing I have noticed it seems ever since the Tylenol scare is unpacking of anything is nothing less than frustrating! When you first setup your computer? You have tons its seems like to unpack. Take your time and put on your patience hat!
Computers have come a long way from the past, but you still want to be sure that food and drinks are not in places that are going to spill during the setup of the computer.
What I have done in the past is keep all the boxes and packing material for a while, in case something is wrong and needs to be returned. I normally keep the biggest box in tact, and just dump everything else inside of it. All the boxes, bags, packing material.
I normally pick up computers that I purchase, but if you had it shipped? If it was extremely cold outside you may wish to wait until the computer warms up before powering it on for the first time. We don’t want any condensation.
Find an area on the floor to spread everything out while unpacking, and that also helps from dropping items. I have done that myself!
We don’t know how the manufacturers have packed the boxes, so avoid cutting
The CPU and the monitor at times are hard to get out of the boxes. Don’t flip it upside down, and pull the box off. Tip it on the side, and drag it out that way onto your floor.
I normally grab one of those oversized envelopes at this point. You are going to come across a mound of paperwork during the setup of your new computer. I write the computer’s name and model on the outside of the envelope, and place all the paperwork as I come to it inside the envelope.
You should come across your warranty forms as well. I have noticed within the years computer’s give you the option of filling out your warranty online, but if prefer filled it out when you find it. I would do this right away, because it may save you tons of money later on when you need the service. I would keep your receipts, etc in there as well.
They call this the OEM software, and the product key is something you may wish to copy down, or take a picture of so you can see the serial number. This is something I also place in the envelope with all the rest of the paperwork.
Nothing is worse if you have to call your computer manufacturer for something,
I found this picture online. The model number is 9900, but the system number, support ID, serial number you may need as well. I would again either write this information down, or what I have done is also take a picture of it.
Keep these labels in tact on your unit, and make sure if you take pictures you can read those numbers clearly.
If you have found your packing slip yet make sure everyone is in the box that is listed. If not, contact your store or computer manufacturer right away! The cables are normally stored separately. They can be in a box, or bag, at times they place them inside items. It seems to me they normally place cables towards the bottom of the box. They also seem to tape items to the Styrofoam, inside manuals or paperwork. At times you need to be Sherlock Holmes to find it all.
Check the cables and the connectors. One example of connectors is pictured here. Cables should not have cuts in them, and the connectors should have all pins intact. The pins can easily snap off, or bend at times. I would call the manufacturer if you find this to be the case. They may just ask you to straighten it out, but make note of whom you spoke to and when. If it breaks? That would be on them – not you!
Remove all packing from the computer and the parts. Look in every hole, vent, etc. They seem to get carried away with all the packaging, and it needs to be removed.
I realize setting up a new computer at this point can seem like a daunting task, but at this point you are almost HOME! Next time, we will speak about the rear panel of your computer. We will be ‘hooking it up’ as the saying goes. This is the most exciting part of setting up your new computer! At this point you have found your location, and unpacked everything. Hooking it up means you are almost ready to turn your computer on, and have SOME fun!
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