Safe Mode Windows 98 Windows ME

what-is-safe-modeToday’s How-To Guide for the computer beginner we are going to touch on Safe Mode for Windows 98 or Windows ME.


This is one in a series of articles on safe mode, and we cover other operating systems as well.

Our first was What is Safe Mode, and then we covered getting in and out of safe mode in a general manner.

How to start a windows 98/ME  operating system in safe mode



Method 1(Most commonly used):

  • Restart your computer

  • During start up press the CTRL key on your keyboard.

  • From the start up menu select safe mode by using your arrow keys and press ENTER when complete.


Method 2:

  • Click on Start --> Programs --> Accessories --> System Tools --> System Information

  • From the Tools menu click on System Configuration Utility

  • Click on Advanced and the select the Enable Startup menu checkbox



  • Restart the computer and during start up select Safe Mode

Method 3:

  • Restart your computer in MS-DOS mode

  • On the command prompt type "win /d:m" without the quotes

Microsoft Article on Windows 98 Safe Mode

Microsoft Article on Windows ME safe Mode

Problems booting into Safe Mode

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Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner for Safe Mode for Windows 98 and Windows ME.

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